Bringing unique style to the Fort Wayne landscape. You might not know our name, but you certainly know our work. Just take a walk through downtown Fort Wayne and make your way to the stylishly sophisticated Bradley Hotel for one example. Elevatus Architecture has been helping to shape the Fort Wayne landscape since 1958 with projects found near and far. We create unique structures that serve the people who inhabit them, as well as all who pass by. At Elevatus, we never settle for what's expected. At every step, every project and every relationship, we go a bit further. Elevatus, Designed to do more. ELEVATUS ARCHITECTURE Bringing unique style to the Fort Wayne landscape . You might not know our name , but you certainly know our work . Just take a walk through downtown Fort Wayne and make your way to the stylishly sophisticated Bradley Hotel for one example . Elevatus Architecture has been helping to shape the Fort Wayne landscape since 1958 with projects found near and far . We create unique structures that serve the people who inhabit them , as well as all who pass by . At Elevatus , we never settle for what's expected . At every step , every project and every relationship , we go a bit further . Elevatus , Designed to do more . ELEVATUS ARCHITECTURE