Lampshades Plus "A shade above the rest!" Storewide Lamp Sale! Buy one lamp at regular price, get a second lamp of equal or lesser value at 50% off Quality In-Store Lamp Repair! Visit our in-store tour on Google Maps. 6218 Covington Rd. 436-5991 Gisela Baeuerle, Wed.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Owner Lampshades Plus "A shade above the rest!" Storewide Lamp Sale! Buy one lamp at regular price, get a second lamp of equal or lesser value at 50% off Quality In-Store Lamp Repair! Visit our in-store tour on Google Maps. 6218 Covington Rd. 436-5991 Gisela Baeuerle, Wed.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Owner